LUTZ | ABEL advises RTP Global in EUR 10 mio series A2 financing at CoachHub

Dr. Marco Eickmann LL.M.

Dr. Marco Eickmann LL.M.

 Philipp Hoene

Philipp Hoene

Dr. Sebastian Sumalvico Europajurist (Univ. Würzburg)

Dr. Sebastian Sumalvico Europajurist (Univ. Würzburg)

CoachHub, located in Berlin, managed to secure EUR 10 million within the frame of a series A2-financing round. Leading investor is the international early stage investor RTP Global, while the current investors HV Holtzbrinck Ventures, Partech and Speedinvest increase their investment. LUTZ | ABEL advised RTP Global as part of the financing round.

LUTZ | ABEL advises RTP Global in EUR 10 mio series A2 financing at CoachHub
LUTZ | ABEL advises RTP Global in EUR 10 mio series A2 financing at CoachHub

13.11.2019 | Venture Capital / M&A

CoachHub operates a digital training platform. The Berlin-based company aims at offering different kind of trainings, such as time management, stress reduction and leadership skills for anybody throughout entire businesses rather than to managers only. CoachHub is already working with over 400 qualified coaches and employs 70 people. The platform does not only make trainings available for more clients around the world but also helps coaches to enlarge their customer circle worldwide and improve their expert skills. CoachHub will focus on its international sales program during the upcoming year. The company expects an increase of its number of employees up to 200 until mid-2020.

Consulting lawyers RTP Global

LUTZ | ABEL Rechtsanwalts PartG mbB

Dr. Marco Eickmann, Partner
Philipp Hoene
Dr. Sebastian Sumalvico

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